Meet the Author
Dominique Eddé
Dominique Eddé studied history and worked for Éditions du Seuil in Paris from 1978 to 1983. She has also been a contributor to Le Monde’s books supplement and worked in Rome, where her first role was as an attaché in the FAO Director-General’s office. Her first novel, Lettre Posthume, was published in 1989. In 1991, she came up with the idea for the Beirut City-Centre photographic mission. In the late 1990s, she worked as a translator and editor, as well as training as a psychotherapist at Centre Alfred Binet in Paris. More publications followed: Pourquoi il fait si sombre?; La lettre et la mort – conversations with the psychoanalyst André Green; Cerf-Volant (available in English as Kite); Le crime de Jean Genet (The Crime of Jean Genet; and Kamal Jann. (These last three are available in English, translated by Ros Schwartz.) Her latest book is Edward Said: Le roman de sa pensée, published by La Fabrique in October 2017.