Meet the Author

François Nour
Francois Nour graduated from the Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts and pursued a MA in self-sufficient architecture at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia in Barcelona. Interested in waterrelated topics at different scales (domestic, urban, etc.), he developed his thesis about an alternative water strategy for Greater Beirut following years of crisis in a relatively water-rich country. Back in Lebanon in 2019, he became an active member of the successful Save the Bisri Valley campaign, against the large dam project planned there. He promotes his alternative vision and works on its implementation via programs such as the MIT Lebanon Challenge and the Water Innovation Lab Lebanon. He has also collaborated with local recycling companies and NGOs (Cedar Environmental, Regenerate Lebanon) to develop awareness projects and data sharing platforms.
Works by the Author
Architecture of the Territory: Constructing National Narratives in the Arab World
Co-published with Collective for Architecture