Meet the Author

Noëmi Daucé
A graduate of the Ecole du Louvre and the Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, she has conducted research on the brick architectural decoration of the palace of Darius in Susa. Several missions in Tehran and Susa allowed her to complete this initial work and to publish it in the book edited by J. Perrot, Le Palais de Darius à Suse (PUPS Paris, 2010). In 2006, she obtained the grant from the Leon Levy Shelby White Foundation Program for Archaeological Publication that allowed her to coordinate the online publication of reports by Roland Mecquenem, Director of Archaeological Missions in Susa from 1912 to 1939, for which she obtained the Jacques Morgan award. Laureate of the competitive entrance exam to become museum curator, she entered the National Heritage Institute (INP) in 2009 and joined the Museum of Fine Arts and Archaeology of Besançon in 2010, participating in its renovation, the management of its reserves and the coordination of related collections.
Works by the Author
Roads of Arabia: Archaeological Treasures of Saudi Arabia
Co-edition with the Louvre Abu Dhabi and Musée du Louvre